Thursday, March 7, 2013

Unleash the Noise!!


  1. Wow! I am just soo inspired by this!! This grassroots movement, although small at the moment, is going to spread like wildfire once kids realize it's ok to talk about mental illness... in fact, we'll even send you to Toronto to do it! When I open up to young people about my own illness, they are fixated on every word. The next thing I know, they start sharing how "that sounds just like what I experience", and the conversation has begun, they don't need to suffer in silence anymore.

  2. Hey Lisa,
    I'm gonna start sharing your blog with my patients. As you know, I work in the north with aboriginal Canadians where there is so much depression and so few resources. Most of it is with young people who feel a sense of hopelessness and helplessness who are 'connected' via the internet thru social media networks. A place like your blog and it's resources will give people a sense of belonging and hope...connected virtually! Thanks for sharing.

    1. OMG, Greg, it would be an honour to be able to help in any way I can. A few people have approached me already about more information, clearly people want to know but don't know who is safe to ask. I'm not a therapist, but I do know that depression is a serious problem in that community, so if folks up there want to ask questions, I will do my best to answer based on my experiences. Thank you for your trust in me!!



Do the stuff people say you shouldn't. Do the stuff that seems impossible, silly, difficult, immature, irrelevant. We can creat...